Fish Crazy
Hi all. I have a 5ft (length) x2ft (height) x18" (depth) tank currently running two Fluval 304 filters. Current stock is 4 tiger, 3 green & 4 albino tigers, 20 harlequin rasboras, 9 lemon tetras, 5 beacon tetras & 6 BNP's.
Now ... I have been thinking of my next additions & despite much thought (previously thinking rams, apistos, dwarf cichlid, etc route) & research am thinking of clown loaches!! . Yes im aware the size they can grow, etc hence my question, i believe from research that they are great tank mates with tigers so .....
Im thinking of bolstering my tiger numbers but how many clowns & tigers do you experienced people recommend?
I can remove the tetras but would also like a school or two of schoaling fish as was considering the possibilty of adding 20 cardinal tetras ... Or should i just add more rasboras?! Decisions decisions!!
Anyway, any advice or alternative suggestions will be greatly appreciated!!!
Now ... I have been thinking of my next additions & despite much thought (previously thinking rams, apistos, dwarf cichlid, etc route) & research am thinking of clown loaches!! . Yes im aware the size they can grow, etc hence my question, i believe from research that they are great tank mates with tigers so .....
Im thinking of bolstering my tiger numbers but how many clowns & tigers do you experienced people recommend?
I can remove the tetras but would also like a school or two of schoaling fish as was considering the possibilty of adding 20 cardinal tetras ... Or should i just add more rasboras?! Decisions decisions!!
Anyway, any advice or alternative suggestions will be greatly appreciated!!!