

New Member
Nov 15, 2012
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I am now fish less cycling my 29G Tank and I need some advice on the following setup that I am planning.

Planted Tank, AC 70 Filer

2 Bolivian RAM (Microgeophagus altispinosa) -- 75-80F
10 Neon Tetras (Paracheirodon axelrodi) -- 72-78F
6 Panda Corydoras -- 69-75F
2 Zebra Snails -- 72-78F

1. The temp ranges (found online) seem to indicate that 75F would be the appropriate temperature for my setup. Correct?
2. Is the tank over/under stoked?
3. My PH is 7.6 is that okay for these fish?
4. What is the first fish that I should add after the cycle?
5. Are 2 Zebra Snail enough to help with Algae, can I add more? Or is there a better snail?
Species that require temperatures below a certain margin shouldn't generally be housed with species that require temperatures above the same margin as although there is a temperature range allowed, you should aim for the optimum temperature for the species, not let it live in the highest or lowest it can survive.
Temperment wise the fish would work, apart from when the rams decide to breed and will more than likely attack the unsuspecting cory's. It never occurs to corys that other fish like and maintain territorys, and corys will bumble into these territories time and time again.
The varying temperatures are going to cause more of a headache, panda corys although very cute are also quite fussy and will struggle at less them optimum temperatures.
Because rams are mainly a bottom dwelling fish I would keep them as the bottom fish and have the tetras as higher swimming dither fish. The snails will just roam about where ever they like.
Your pH might also be a bit high for Bolivian Rams which prefer 6.0-7.4, while the tetras will more than likely thrive in your current pH.

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