New Member
I have a 70 gal Malawi tank with about a dozen or more cichlids ranging from 4" to 7" my largest being a male Pseudotropheus sp "acei", one of the Yellow tail variants. What I need to know is can I put my 5" Senegal bichir in there without worrying about the cichlids picking on him or killing him. I know lots of people say he will attack the fish but right now I have him in my 10 gal tank I use for cichlids that are too small for my large tank (1"-3") and he just ignores them and does his own thing (not even a nipped fin in sight). Most of the time he sits perched on top of the rocks I have in the center of the tank near the surface and eats the remaining flake food floating on the surface.
He's such a lovable docile creature and I wouldn't want him to get hurt and I don't have the room or finances to get him his own tank. Please help
Current fish in 70 gal are labs, aulonacara, mbunas, melenachromis acei, and more. Oddly enough I also have a large black convict male, and a large male and female pink convicts in there that were given to me because they were too aggressive for a friends tank and they all get along great.
He's such a lovable docile creature and I wouldn't want him to get hurt and I don't have the room or finances to get him his own tank. Please help
Current fish in 70 gal are labs, aulonacara, mbunas, melenachromis acei, and more. Oddly enough I also have a large black convict male, and a large male and female pink convicts in there that were given to me because they were too aggressive for a friends tank and they all get along great.