Common Pleco ( L119 )


Dec 29, 2015
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i have a semi-serious to serious question about my Pleco ( species number L119 ).
I have noticed over the past few weeks the Black coloring(scales) have been disappearing off of the body of the pleco, I am assuming this is because of a high Ph environment, The Ph is 8.2 ( for My cichlids that i also have within the tank, Rift valley cichlids ).
Now my question here, would the High Ph be the cause of the Scale loss( disintegration ). Or is it a stress cause due to the water parameters of the tank i have it in.
If so, i am going to be Isolating the Pleco until it gains the scales back. Then go and get a BN Pleco as they can handle to water parameters from what ive been told by my LFS ( Glass Aquatics, 30+ years of experience ).
Can you get a picture of your plec? What is your ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate at?
I can't help with the problem with the common but I can tell you that the BN pleco comes from areas around the amazon. It's pH range is from around 5 to around 7 .... they ideally need soft acidic water not the hard alkaline that you have
If you want a Catfish to keep with rift valley cichlids, you'll probably want some Synadontis. I don't think there are many Plecs, if any that like alkaline pH.
This could be a couple of issues.  Water parameters are one; there is not much data on this species yet as it has not been formally described, but according to Planet Catfish it was found somewhere in Guyana.  I am not aware of any watercourses in Guyana with moderately hard (or harder) water, nor a pH above 8, so my first thought is that the store gave you inaccurate advice.  I would re-home this pleco to a softer water aquarium.  Remember it grows close to 12 inches, reportedly, so it is not small and will need some space.
The second issue might be aggression from the cichlids.  Even if you do not witness it, there is still the possibility that the cichlids might pick at the pleco.  This species needs wood, real wood not artificial, as part of its diet, and that is another possible issue (I obviously don't know if you have several chunks of wood in this tank, you should for plecos).
On a very general note, despite what any store may tell you, there is no species of South American pleco that should be put in with rift lake cichlids as the water requirements will not be the same, nor even close.  Some areas (very few) in SA have basic pH (above 7) but the GH (which is more important for fish) is still soft.
Then go and get a BN Pleco as they can handle to water parameters from what ive been told by my LFS ( Glass Aquatics, 30+ years of experience ).
30+ years of experience of giving bad advice by the sounds of it.
LFS are interested in selling fish to you, They don't care if the fish survives. 
Ammonia .0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 40PPm
When i took the pics ( to the best of my ability ) it looked like a leopard print Pleco which is the same as L119 Category Plecos.
Odd but when i first bought him it was Pure black, but then i guess it turned to L119 due to its environment  

And its more of i know that BN plecos live with cichlids that i have. ( The LFs i go to has many Bright Yellow BN Male plecos either living with Rift valleys or Parrot cichlids.


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It is probably a waste of my and others' time to be providing sound advice when it is asked for yet not accepted, but I cannot leave things as they are.  I will say it just once more, no South American pleco belongs in an aquarium with hard water and rift lake cichlids.
Second, fish stores are in the business of selling fish as quickly as they can (the longer they hold fish the more it costs them).  Their tanks of fish for sale are not intended to be display tanks of what you can achieve at home.  The customer has to do the research.  The fact that two species are in the same tank does not mean they should be kept together on a permanent basis.
From the photos above, the poor pleco should be removed to a proper environment soon.
One last thing, on water parameters.  Parameters refers to GH (general hardness), KH (carbonate hardness or Alkalinity), pH  and temperature.  Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are water quality factors, not parameters.  All of these are critical to a fish.
And nitrates at 40 ppm for cichlids is very high.  The maximum should be 20 ppm, as you will see on any reliable cichlid site.
agreeing with Byron. This pleco and all pleco's NEED soft water. 
As for the lfs and their '30 years of experience' thing. Well, when I bought my SAE's they were labelled as Flying Foxes. I kindly told the staff member that they were mis-labelled and they were actually Siamese Algae Eaters. I was told 'I've been in this business for more than 40 years and I think I know more than you. They are Siamese flying foxes' I stated he was wrong, paid for my fish and left.
The length of time in business means nothing. This hobby is a constant learning curve. None of us can be complacent on that. We learn something new everyday. Your lesson here Baylor is to listen to the people telling you that this fish needs the opposite of what you are giving. The fact he's changed colour is a direct warning to you ...he's telling you he's stressed in the only way he can
my Gh is 130. Kh is unknown 

Alkalinity is 140

Hardiness is at 75-90
my Gh is 130.
Strange, In this post you say the Gh is 60
Ph. 7.8
Gh 60
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10PPm
Here you say you have soft water.
my water is soft. Great for some cichlids and great for loaches. As how many cichlids would be great for a 55G tank. 5 at Currently 4" per fish along with a 4" loach, and a 6' Pleco
So what exactly are your water parameters?
i got 2 different readings as i went to 2 different stores to help me find it. the one i trust says GH of 60. Alkalinity is 140, and Hardiness is the one im having trouble with as the paper says its between 75-90.
Ph 7.8 ( has changed since last water change )
Ammonia 0.0
Nitrite .25 PPm ( adding Nite-Out to help get rid of that )
Nitrate 20PPm 
These are the current results for my 55 Tank.
Nitrite .25 PPm ( adding Nite-Out to help get rid of that )
The best way to get rid of it is water changes.
i have already changed 50% of the water today, im not doing anymore until tommorrow as i dont want to stress the fish even more
I meant instead of using chemicals to treat nitrite nitrate and ammonia you need to do water changes, And if that means doing 50% a day thats what you should be doing.
I think you also need to look at your fish keeping habits, Members have given you good advice in the past and you basically ignore it.
Have you still got the Clown Loaches? They are also a soft water fish.

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