College Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2012
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I am not new to fish keeping or the hobby but I would love some advice!
I am going to college in seventeen days time and am planning on getting a new tank to set up and love in my dorm. Up until now I have only ever had ten gallon aquariums but the restricted space in a dorm setting and a size restriction has lead me to a 15 Gallon Column tank made by Aqueon. (Open to cheaper column tanks as long as they are under 20 gallons, just haven't found any! If anyone knows of some good ones don't be afraid to share.)

This is what I'm planning.
Eco Complete for substrate(black, not that it matters), I have a poplar burl that's out boiling on the stove as I type, and several different plants, including but not limited to, java moss, java fern, anubias, amazon swords, red amazon swords, melon swords, crypts, dwarf lilies, duckweed, and a moss ball. It will probably end up being heavily planted with a few floating plants like hornwort for shade and whatnot. I have had extreme luck with plants for whatever reason and my local LFS owner jokes that she should just have me stocking her tanks.

Now comes the questions.
I have eight balloon mollies that I plan on putting in this tank after a good cycle. (They're my favorites and I love them all dearly) I have a good ratio of males to females 1:7 so my big Mr. Man is a happy fish indeed. I plan on getting around six kuhli loaches for part of my cleanup crew in the new tank. I know many of you will feel that this is overstocked, but I am accustomed to taking care of a tank with this much load even though I generally try to follow the inch per gallon rule. I feel that I can get away with a few more fish when I put in a good filter, a bubbler, and loads of plants and the fish don't seem to mind. Besides after college they can have all the room I can afford. ;) I was wondering how I can make both species as comfortable and happy as possible. Perhaps add sand in addition to the Eco Complete for the kuhli? Also I have kept my mollies in slightly brackish water and I was wondering if I should continue to slowly switch them over to completely fresh for the kuhlis or if the kuhlis wouldn't mind a pinch of salt? Also I might add some of my cherry shrimp and baby apple snails (accidental breeding :D) for extra cleanup.

So essentially what I'm asking is what do all you fish people think?
Hey SilentHawk - the main consideration for your stock would be the surface area for oxygen exchange. The Aqueon 15 Column looks about 14" x 14" x 24" tall. (nice looking tank!) So this tank does not have as much surface area for oxygen exchange as wider tanks would have. So if you go with the surface area rule of thumb (surface area / 12 sq inches) = 196 sq in / 12 sq in = 16.3 inches of adult fish for your stock, give or take.

So I would estimate that your mollies are pretty much filling it up. I know loaches have a lower bio-load than other fish, though, as well as cherry shrimp.

I'm don't know the answer to your other question with brackish water or not for the kuhlis.
kuhli loaches, just like most scaleless fish, have a low salt tolerance long term, regardless of if they're acclimated. It won't immediately kill them, but I wouldn't leave them in a salty tank for more than a few weeks. Salt burns their skin.

IMO skip the kuhlis, the column style tank has a really small footprint. I'd try for some pygmy cory catfish at best. But having all those mollies in there leaves you fully stocked IMO.

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