Co2 Equipment Recommendations


Feb 8, 2015
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Anyone have any recommendations on regulators, diffusers, and such?? I don't know where to even start with this, and the name brand ones are all super pricey!
How are you planning to set it up? I use pressurised co2 from a fire extinguisher. I have an all in one regulator/solenoid/bubble counter that I got from eBay, from a seller in Hong Kong or somewhere like that, it's been going for almost 4 years. Co2 pipe connects at one end to the bubble counter, then to a glass diffuser in the tank. There's a one-way valve partway up the pipe - make sure you put that in so water doesn't siphon backwards for any reason. I have the whole thing plugged into a timer so that I can control when it's on/off using the solenoid.

I got everything from eBay, no brand names.

Hope this helps.
I used those links too. They were a big help. It does seem like a lot to take in at first but it quickly becomes second nature.
Flubberlump said:
How are you planning to set it up? I use pressurised co2 from a fire extinguisher. I have an all in one regulator/solenoid/bubble counter that I got from eBay, from a seller in Hong Kong or somewhere like that, it's been going for almost 4 years. Co2 pipe connects at one end to the bubble counter, then to a glass diffuser in the tank. There's a one-way valve partway up the pipe - make sure you put that in so water doesn't siphon backwards for any reason. I have the whole thing plugged into a timer so that I can control when it's on/off using the solenoid.

I got everything from eBay, no brand names.

Hope this helps.
Hi, do you remember the name/brand of your regulator?
No I don't sorry, I don't think it was branded.

This is it, I'm sorry about the terrible photo!

Yep that's just like mine. Make sure that you get co2 tubing though to take the gas to the tank. Co2 can escape from normal tubing. Mine is black, I'm not sure whether that's a standard colour for co2 tube or not. Also make sure that you have a one-way (one check) valve somewhere along the line so that water can't siphon back from the tank to the solenoid.

The links that Ch4rlie posted earlier will give you more info though.
I ended up going the a Green Leaf Aquariums system, because I am paranoid about things going wrong and they had stellar reviews hehe. 
Lol yeah that's a safe bet. The only experience I have with co2 is my current setup but it works a treat. Glad you got something sorted :)

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