Clowns have ich

I've already increased the temperature and added melafix. Until I can get some ich meds there's not much else I can do. Any suggestions? Is ich fatal? if so how soon after contraction?
The only real next step you can take is to buy some Ich Medication (should contain Malchalite Green) and act vigorously with it. Clown Loaches are especially susceptible to the disease I have found with my experience.

Best of luck, if you've caught it early, you stand a good chance, but be sure not to overdose...
Am I the only one who cures ich with only high-temperature and no medicine? I don't recall anyone mentioning this in this forum before...
ok i'm about to go out and get some meds. What do they eat because I also need to feed them.
yhbae said:
Am I the only one who cures ich with only high-temperature and no medicine? I don't recall anyone mentioning this in this forum before...
It has a good success rate, but like anything, its all relative to the tank conditions, fish temperment and how late into the disease the fish is.

I've personally found that medication has given me the best results
Can anyone tell me what clowns eat? Do they go for flakes? I've heard they love bloodworms but I can't feed them just those.
David said:
ok i'm about to go out and get some meds. What do they eat because I also need to feed them.
I fed my fish less during the period when they had Ich (down to 3-4 times a week) but fed rich foods such as frozen bloodworm, supplemented with a few flakes. Make sure there is little wastage within the tank as this may trigger the disease to spread

Have you quarantined them?
No I currently don't have a cycled tank set up. I'm waiting for my 5 gallon to cycle. :crazy:
Ich can spread pretty quickly so perhaps quarantining the fish into a section of the tank may be a possibility. Saying this though over-stressing the fishes can have very negative consequences.

Sorry for no conclusion to that statement
I wouldn't feed while you're treating them. Some medications make it very difficult for the fish to digest their food properly. They'll be ok. You need a good parasite treatment but make sure you can use it with Clown Loach. Because their scales are so small some medications can affect them. Whitespot, or Ich has a lifecycle so you will have to treat over a period of around a week. It should give you all the directions on the bottle.

You can raise the temp to 30 as well but this needs to be done very slowly ;)
Link said:
I wouldn't feed while you're treating them. Some medications make it very difficult for the fish to digest their food properly. They'll be ok. You need a good parasite treatment but make sure you can use it with Clown Loach. Because their scales are so small some medications can affect them. Whitespot, or Ich has a lifecycle so you will have to treat over a period of around a week. It should give you all the directions on the bottle.

You can raise the temp to 30 as well but this needs to be done very slowly ;)
Obviously dont feed them directly before, during or after putting in the medication, but not feeding the fish may aid in a decline in their immune system and enhance the chance of fatality.
AAAAHH!! So many things to remember! If I raise the temp, less oxygen is in water, which is bad for fish. If I keep temp low, ich is harder to cure. If I feed fish, disease will spread. If I don't feed fish, immune system will weaken. NOOOOO! :crazy:
David said:
AAAAHH!! So many things to remember! If I raise the temp, less oxygen is in water, which is bad for fish. If I keep temp low, ich is harder to cure. If I feed fish, disease will spread. If I don't feed fish, immune system will wekaen. NOOOOO! :crazy:
You've got to find a happy medium and apply what you think works best within your tank.

For my previous case of whitespot, adding medication and not feeding as much worked fine, but its all relative.

But one things certain, act swift, be vigorous (it may be a lengthy process) and be sure NOT to overdose, if you decide to go for medication.

How bad is the whitespot on them?

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