Clown Loach Party At The Back Of The Tank


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2012
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So I have recently bought 7 clown loaches. I have a 5ft 450L tank n they seem very happy. I have had them for almost a month n over that time they've grown a little as I have added lots of vegetation, shelter in the form of over hanging wood with arches n some caves. At first they were swimming back and forth across the back of the tank n I thought it was because there was no background. I have added a background n the only consistent thing at the back is the long 120cm bubble curtain, yet they keep swimming up n down chasing each other.

How do I convince them the front of the tank is also awesome?
They all seem to do that, the back of the tank is probably more awesome than the front because that's where all the decorations and such tend to sit.
Sorry but you don't. Clown loaches are notoriously shy around any movement outside the tank. Even if you hold still at the tank glass, they will mostly stay out of view.
Sorry but you don't. Clown loaches are notoriously shy around any movement outside the tank. Even if you hold still at the tank glass, they will mostly stay out of view.

Depends how old they are, how long they have been in your tank and simply just how many you have.

Seven is an "ok" number but as i said in another post to you, putting the numbers up some more will help.

Here is a short video of my tank, i feed JBL Novo Tabs stuck to the glass every night at 9pm. The Loaches love them, so if you want to see your fish a little more maybe do similar. Oldman is right about them being shy and you cant change that over night.
As above really, I keep a large group and they are much more confident in numbers, they'll choose where they want to hang out though.
Add a powerhead to the front of the tank, they won't be able to resist the extra flow of water...
Oooo...I hadn't thought of a power head at the front. I have a external filter that pumps the water back in but that sits at the back, comes over the edge makes an L shape and sprays within the water across the back. The filter is ridiculously powerful.

Is there a better or best kind of power head to get? Anything in particular I should be looking for when buying one? The tank is 450L

Also will this annoy the three 3 spot gourami's?
Oooo...I hadn't thought of a power head at the front. I have a external filter that pumps the water back in but that sits at the back, comes over the edge makes an L shape and sprays within the water across the back. The filter is ridiculously powerful.

Is there a better or best kind of power head to get? Anything in particular I should be looking for when buying one? The tank is 450L

Also will this annoy the three 3 spot gourami's?

I've got an aquaclear & a wavemaker in my tank and they do the job well, i'm not sure that the gourami's would like it though!!
Oooo...I hadn't thought of a power head at the front. I have a external filter that pumps the water back in but that sits at the back, comes over the edge makes an L shape and sprays within the water across the back. The filter is ridiculously powerful.

Is there a better or best kind of power head to get? Anything in particular I should be looking for when buying one? The tank is 450L

Also will this annoy the three 3 spot gourami's?

I've got an aquaclear & a wavemaker in my tank and they do the job well, i'm not sure that the gourami's would like it though!!
+1 I use koralias to move the water about, again though not sure the Gourami's will like it.

Put some cucumber at the front of the tank, that'll fetch em out I'm sure.

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