i have a 55gal. tank with plenty of wood and plants. my friends large tank is leeking pretty bad and messed up the stand. she went all over to try to give her clown knife away to the stores but no stores will take it as they do not have room.... i was her last option, i know the fish will grow very big but i'm hoping she gets her tank fixed a.s.a.p! i have been feeding it earth worms from the bait shop and rosy reds from the lfs... i have tried meal worms but it wont eat anything other than the earth worms and feeder fish... i'm not sure what els to feed it. any suggestions? the knife fish is only about 7 inches right now. other fish in the tank (temporarily as i am moving them to another tank in a couple days) senegal brichir about 7inches as well, 2 blue gouramies, 3 rosy barbs and 2 bristlenose plecos. worst case is that i end up having to keep the clown knife fish, what kind of fish could i add with it?