Cloudy Water


New Member
May 31, 2012
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Cloudy water -
Tank is clean. Filter changed < 1 wk ago. Fish appear healthy. No algae visible on tank walls or ornaments. Tank not in sun, not near a window or in a bright room. Don't over feed. All conditions have been the same for @ 1 year. Pink tube lights & haven't turned them on for more than 3 hrs/day since problem with water began. Water clarifier hasn't helped.
I'd welcome any suggestions, please. Thx!
When you say, "changed filter", what exactly do you mean? What is in the filter and what did you change?
When you say, "changed filter", what exactly do you mean? What is in the filter and what did you change?

Thx for responding!
Aqua Clear is the filter for my 10 gal. Changed carbon, ammonia remover, foam & bio.
Your cloudy water is probably a bacterial bloom.

You should never change the stuff inside your filter (despite what the manufacturers say!) as that's where all the good bacteria that keep the water safe for your fish live.

If you remove those, there will be lots of pollutants that build up in the water and become available as food to other bacteria floating about, and that's what causes the bloom.

It also means that your fish may get sick, or even die, because the water will become poisoned by their own wastes.

We have a great article on 'the nitrogen cycle' in our beginner;s resource centre (link is in my sig) which you might find useful to have a quick read through.

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