Box Filter, Tetra APS 50, 12L Rectangle Tank, Plastic plant, Tubing, Green Gravel, Interpet Gold Tap Safe 100ml(tap water safe - removes chlorine)
If there is anything else you need to know please reply, I wanted to buy fish this afternoon as well

Yeah but im not quite sure at what stage I am? i was going to buy a hardy fish to help with cycling, thats what one website said..I'm not sure what the cloudiness is but have you researched cycling? It needs to be done before fish are added or they will just die...
The cloudiness is a bacterial bloom; very common in new tanks and will clear up, either on it's own, or with a few large water changes.
Please don't think about buying fish yet; you need to understand 'cycling' and the nitrogen cycle first.
There are good articles in the beginner's resource centre (link is in my sig) on both 'fish-in' and 'fishless' cycling; we always recommend fishless cycles as it means that there's no risk of illness or death to the new fishes.
12l is very small; you'll only be able to have two or three small fish in there and a lot of people will tell you a tank that size is not suitable for fish at all...tbh, snails and/or shrimps would be my recommendation...