After a long spell of letting life get in the way of maintaining my tanks, I've recently started to try and get them back into shape. The problem I'm having is with my 46 gal. I spent several days slowly scraping the algae build up off the glass and haven't had a problem removing most of it. The issue is that there seems to be a white film left on the glass that won't come off conventionally. At first I thought it might be due to minerals in the water since it was sitting there for so long with very little movement. Then I noticed that it would turn black and be easily cleaned off if I left my mag-float over a patch of it for a day or so.
I was wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this and if anyone knows of an easier way to clean off larger areas at a time?
I know the first questions are going to be about my water parameters but I haven't been able to buy a new testing kit yet so that is unknown. The tanks is 46 gallons with just a few remaining plants. The only occupants are one platy and eight adult cory cats along with 10 or 11 fry that are about 2 weeks old. Filtration is done by a Rena Filstar xP2 and lighting is done by a Coralife compact florescent with only one daylight bulb currently working. The timer on the lights crapped out so daylight times are kind of erratic due to my work schedule but usually it gets about 10 to 12 hours of light a day. There is also a rather large snail problem but I think I can deal with that once the fry mature a bit more. If there is any information I left out feel free to ask and I appreciate any advice anyone might be able to offer.
I was wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this and if anyone knows of an easier way to clean off larger areas at a time?
I know the first questions are going to be about my water parameters but I haven't been able to buy a new testing kit yet so that is unknown. The tanks is 46 gallons with just a few remaining plants. The only occupants are one platy and eight adult cory cats along with 10 or 11 fry that are about 2 weeks old. Filtration is done by a Rena Filstar xP2 and lighting is done by a Coralife compact florescent with only one daylight bulb currently working. The timer on the lights crapped out so daylight times are kind of erratic due to my work schedule but usually it gets about 10 to 12 hours of light a day. There is also a rather large snail problem but I think I can deal with that once the fry mature a bit more. If there is any information I left out feel free to ask and I appreciate any advice anyone might be able to offer.