Cleaning Canister Filter Tubing


Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2013
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I am wondering what is the best way to clean the tubing for my canister filter.  It is a Fluval 406 which has ribbed hosing.  Here is how I am considering cleaning the tubes:
  • Detach tubes from canister and remove from tank
  • Flush tubes with hot tap water until debris is no longer coming out
  • Soak tubes in bucket of dechlorinated water....with an overdose of Prime
  • Place tubes back on tank/filter
  • Pray I didn't screw anything up
So is this the best way?  Any other suggestions?
A length of string twice the length of your longest hose + a few inches. half it and knot it to form a loop, with a weight tied on one end that will freely drop through the hose, feed weight through hose until there is just a small loop of string left protruding from one end of the hose, put a thin strip or two of cloth wadding through the loop that will double over when it's pulled through the hose, grab the weight and pull the wadding through removing all the gunk in a couple of passes.
As KirkyArcher says
Haven't done it in a while, but you'll be suprised at the amount of crap that comes off the pipes when you do this
You can also use a new scrubber, like the ones you get for the shower, as pulling this through will also dislodge muck.
I have heard (via a fish vet) that it is OK to use sterilising tabs to clean items, just make sure items are rinsed well/dried prior to return to use.
Keep us posted as to how you get on.
I use a small bottle brush secured to a length of wire and pull it through.
Not only do I have canister hoses, but I use several different diameter siphon hoses and then a 50 ft and a 15 ft. return hose plus a 8 ft hosefrom the sink. Over time all of them get groaty inside. I have uses a bucket of bleach laden water and assorted pumps to loop the chlorine water though the hose for some time. Once done the chlorine water is changed for clean water which is then pumped through the hos.e Fresh water goes into the bucket and then is pumped down the drain to fush the hoses. I have never felt the need to use any dechlor in this process.
Thx everyone for the responses. I like the string and cloth/brush idea. I think flushing the hose after would still help as it can pick up any stuff dislodged but not removed by the brush.

Do you use any specific mix of bleach/water? Do you just keep flushing the hose with clean water until the bleach smell is gone?

Thx again
I use the same string through hose method as KirkyArcher but instead of a cloth i use a piece of sponge media and that works a treat as well.

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