Cichlid Tank Stocking


Hammer Time
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
I may be able to buy an established cichlid tank
The tank description and fish is as follows:
29 gallon african cichlid Fish tank aquarium comes with metal stand, lights, heater, aquaclear 50 power filter and top. 
Comes with stones for african cichlid tank, sand substrate 2 yellow labs 4inch and 3inch,  1 yellow kenyi 4 inch,
 2 blue kenyi 4 inch and 3inch,  1 turquoise jewel 4 inch
is this tank ok for the above fish?   do you see any negatives of these fish cohabitating?


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I know just about zilch on cichlids, unfortunately, but if I am recalling correctly I -think- these guys need a minimum of 55g.
I wanted to make sure you had a response before you went and bought it, but hopefully someone with more knowledge comes in soon.
Don't think inch to gallon rule is used with cichlids. I have cichlids and it's best to research each fish for there needs. I've found cichlids are easy to combine as far as water conditions however the aggression differences are big factors. Some are she'll dwellers some cave dwellers others open water. They are territorial and need there own space. I've only had cichlids a couple of months and already rehomed 2 of them as aggression would have killed other fish.
They do look beautiful by the way. Are they lake mawali ?
Yeah they are. As said a 55 gallon is what you want ideally. Im not up in my malawi but the kenyis are aggressive.
Mine are tanganyika cichlids I've never dealt with the fish above but every mawali tank I've ever seen has been full of fish I've also read that overstocking some mawali help with aggression ( need excellent filtration ). But have no experiance so can't give all the facts on this .

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