Cichlid Identification


Fish Crazy
Oct 20, 2012
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hi,today i bought a a new fish it was a vieja but i cannot remember witch type it is can anybody tell me what it is and it's sex it would be greatly appreciated,thanks



btw i imagine it will be within these thanks

Well he has

Vieja Coatzacoalcos Rio Grande F1
Vieja melanurus Rio Startun

On his list so its one of them lol, as to which one I dont know a bit washed out right now... But the Melanarus are listed at 2 inches and the Coatzacoalcos is listed at 7 inches - And that looks more like a 7 incher to me so would probably go for that :)

If thats gone in your 55 though that is actually mental!! Sorry I often try and fluff up replys to badly stocked tanks as to not scare people off the forum but that tank just sounds horrendous, a texas hybrid which never ends nice, a flowerhorn and a jewel and now a Veija - Im actually a bit surprised David sold to you... Major tank upgrade needed asap I recon.... Your 10g with the angels in sounds a bit iffy. Id get at least a 6x2x2 180 gallon tank to get your fish to even stand a chance of surviving each other. These are all mega aggressive fish and if a serious fight breaks out both parties will come off badly. Ive not even mentioned the poor spanner barb by its self or the mix with the turtles....

that's an old stock list it's just a jewel,spanner bumblebee and choclate, sev, + hybrid and plec (thought it was a texas but found out differently ) the angels are just waiting for my 40 gal to be finished as i'm doing a diy 3d background,the turtles are no trouble at all and nether bother fish,the spanner is a rouge and i ordered some shaol mates but he ate them so he cant be with anything smaller than 4 inches oh thanks for letting me know what fish it is.

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