Heyo guys I have a Chinese Agae Eater who for almost his entire life has been in a 10 gallon tank with 4 other goldfish and a pleco all of which were fat, overfed, and extremely filthy tank from all the waste.. I have no idea how they survived for like 5 years this way. I adopted the algae eater and others took the rest, he is now is a 40 Gallon tank with other small community fish because he is not aggressive at all (Hes the big daddy at about 5 inches now). He walks around the tank with his fins like a mudskipper or a human baby or a cat, and randomly shoots around like a torpedo but he never swims. Has anyone ever had another one act like this? Its pretty crazy watching a fish walk in the tank everywhere, perhaps he learned it in the cage of an environment? He also doesn't suck the glass he just sucks up flakes. Lazy.