Cherry Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2011
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In my 200 litre tank i have neon tetras, harlequins, cherry barbs and panda corys.
I want to purchase some cherry shrimp for the tank.
My question is would they be happy with the above fish or will they just become live food which i dont want?
Cherry shrimp in a 200L? You'll need a microscope to see them.
I know, as long as i catch a glimpse of them and they help clean the algae then that would be fine
As long as the actually survive being eaten
The cherry barbs will have a field day eating the cherry shrimp, neons should only really eye off shrimplets as a meal while harliquins could go either way. I have only seen tetras show interest in shrimp when the shrimp are actually swimming around, as aposed to clambering around on the plants/ substrate.
What would be good fish to have with cherry fish as mates?  I too am thinking of stocking cherry shrimp but don't have anything in the tank yet.
i have cherry barbs and cherry shrimp, the barbs do pick off the very small babies but my colony of shrimp is growing, just more slowly than if there were no barbs,
Actually, if you provide enough cover (java moss seems to be best) I'd think you could keep them. I have some in my 55g with a load of tetras and seem to have lost only a few. If they figure out it's safe to stay in the moss they're mostly invisible to the other fish.
Atsy said:
What would be good fish to have with cherry fish as mates?  I too am thinking of stocking cherry shrimp but don't have anything in the tank yet.
I added five pairs to my wild Guppy colony six weeks ago and their all doing fine, earlier today I spotted baby shrimps feeding amongst the plants and bogwood.
edit.... I had to go buy a pair of pop sox to cover filter intakes to prevent them being sucked in.
my shrimp are born inside the filter, if i look at the right angle i can see them moving around in there, im sure thats how they are surviving the baby stage before they venture into the tank when sightly bigger, they have more of a survival rate that way
phoenixgsd said:
my shrimp are born inside the filter, if i look at the right angle i can see them moving around in there, im sure thats how they are surviving the baby stage before they venture into the tank when sightly bigger, they have more of a survival rate that way
Like shrimp nursery I guess ...could have saved myself the cost and embarressment of buying pop sox.
I put the knocked up mamas in a breeder box and put her back in the tank after she's had the shrimplets. Then I leave them in there for a few weeks until they're big enough to get along on their own.

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