Cherry Shrimp... Problem?


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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I'm sure I saw, at some point, a thread about cherry shrimp with a white band. I have discovered that one of my oldest cherry shrimps has an odd white band ... sort of between the front bit of its body and the long read bit.

The other thread said something about an unsuccessful molting... but I didn't pay attention to exactly where they said this band was... so not sure if this is the case with my shrimp. I've not had this happen before to shrimp and I've kept them for quite some time.

I had intended to take a photo but my shrimp is buried somewhere amongst my plants (move yesterday from my shrimp tank to community tank).
There, she partially came out during my water change. You can make out the white line I am referring to.

The white 'saddle' on the back of a cherry shrimp shows it is a female and that she is ready to spawn ... all cherry females get it
No, maybe I should have put an arrow as my picture isn't so good. It isn't the saddle, it is a line that goes across.... I shall go away and draw an arrow.

Here we go....


The line goes the whole way around the body... like a belt.
Hmmmmm....what are your water stats are they all spot on?
Only other thing I can think of is it might be a calcium deficiency, - what do you feed them on?
Up until yesterday she lived in my shrimp tank, very heavily planted. Extremely stable, has never ever had a shift in readings. I've only ever tested nitrate, nitrite and ammonia in that tank and all have always been perfect. I probably wouldn't have even noticed the band if I hadn't been chosing shrimp to move yesterday.

I used to feed them a mix of tetra energy flakes and hikari shrimp food... but a fish seems intollerant to those flakes so I gave that up and switched to buying New Life Spectrum. And I was finding that every single time I feed them Hikari Cuisine I'd find a shrimp dead the next day, so I gave up on that several months ago and haven't had a single shrimp death since.

There is quite a lot of algae that ends up growing in the corner or on the corner plants and it takes the shrimps awhile to get to picking it off.

I should add, all my other shrimp look perfect. This is the only one that looks odd.

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