Cherry shrimp are really not fussy when it comes to food, they will gladly eat their way through almost all fish foods that you can hope to provide, just keep an eye on copper content in any foods. They will also take great delight in scoffing down defrosted bloodworms.
The best plant you can have with shrimp is java moss or any other of the aquatic mosses, the shrimp pick through it collecting food and it provides a safe place for shrimplets to feed and grow. Just ALWAYS be careful when removing any plants from a tank containing shrimp. The shrimp wont always let go of the plant life and can end up hitching a ride to other tanks, or worse the floor.
Temperature wise for a cherry shrimp tank anything around 22 degrees cel - 26 degrees cel will be ok, but I would aim for the lower temp. To high a temp stresses the shrimp allowing illness to take hold, it also speeds up their life cycle and life expectancy.