Fish Fanatic
I'm now coming to the end of my full stocking but just need some idea on a centrepiece fish... The tank is 130lts, 2ft long, 2.5ft high, 1.3ft wide
My stocking is 8 Sterbai Cories, 5 Otto's & 12 Rummynose Tetra, I'm using sand substrate & It's medium planted, I'm now after a centrepiece fish maybe 2 something like 2 Bolivian rams or an angel fish to finish off my stocking before I can find space for a bigger tank... anyone any suggestions ??
My stocking is 8 Sterbai Cories, 5 Otto's & 12 Rummynose Tetra, I'm using sand substrate & It's medium planted, I'm now after a centrepiece fish maybe 2 something like 2 Bolivian rams or an angel fish to finish off my stocking before I can find space for a bigger tank... anyone any suggestions ??