Celestial Danio, Galaxy Rasbora


Jan 14, 2013
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I've been looking around online and the pictures look the same, so... are celestial danios and galaxy rasboras the same fish with two names? or is there actually a difference? I think they're so cute
They're the same. Very cute & pretty! Definitely want some one day :D
Yep, they're the same fish, Danio margaritus. When they were first described they were thought to be microrasboras, along with the dwarf emerald rasbora, so that's where 'galaxy rasbora' came from.
A few years later they were looked at again and decided to be danios; the dwarf emerald D. erythromicron has moved from microrasbora to danio as well. So then they started to be called 'celestial pearl danios'.
Some people just haven't caught up yet :)
I prefer the Galaxy Rasbora name, but yes CPD are beaitiful fish and my goal is to house lots in my 4ft tank, it'll be a galaxy heaven :)

In the meanwhile I will be having a small shoal of about 6 in my small tank....lfs have them in, and at £3.99 a lot cheaper than most places I've been to.

I still think there'll be over £120 worth of CPD's in my big tank though eventually.
Good fishes to watch go about, beautiful, but can be shy when in small numbers!
The more you have, the better it is.
In my tank there is 15 of them, it's so pretty, especially in a planted aquarium.
I'd love some, but I don't know if they are nippy like the zebra danios... I plan on having some guppies again, and I have a pearl gourami
I didn't find them to nip at anything but themselves, that why you want the to be in a large group.
I also have a pearl gourami and he's never been nipped at.
They're not nippy at all, any bickering tends to be between the males.
The more you have & the heavier planted your tank is the bolder they are, they also breed well if the tank has plenty of fine leaved plants.
just added some more black sand to my tank (it never quite had enough) and now everything looks awesome-r!
They are such fun little fish. I keep them with guppies and endlers and have never seen any type of nipping at all. The males tend to play a little rough with the females, but no worse than endlers.

They are very small, so keep that in mind when choosing tank mates.
as I said, pearl gourami (future guppies) cherry barbs, and neons, they're not smaller than neons are they?

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