Cautious About Donated Plants

This Old Spouse

TOTM Winner May 2013
Dec 12, 2010
Reaction score
Husband and I just got some plants donated to us by a friend. I'm soaking mine in just dechlor water right now, but I'm wondering if should be doing anything else before putting them in my tank(s)? No apparently problems with the donor's tanks, but just being cautious.
If you are sure that the tank they came from was healthy I wouldn't worry to much, just give them a good swill under the tap. 
When ever I purchase plants from unknown sellers I tend to soak them in plain tap water for a couple of hours (no need to dechlor the water IMO) then put them in a fresh bucket of tap water, repeat three or four times. Finally before they go in the tank I check the leaves for snail eggs, its surprising how strongly the eggs stick to leaves. 
Nothing worse than adding a plant to your tank and introducing pest snails. 
Honestly, I wish there were snail eggs to feed all my assassins! So I guess I'll plop them in.
ye i just usually wash under tap water and just put them in :) look for snails found a few once from plants bought at LFS but none from donors or AE yet
I think you've as much risk as you would have if you bought them from your LFS or online from a reputable seller to be honest. In fact there is probably less risk of any pesticides on them as they've been in someone else's tank for a while!
That was my thought, that they'd be safer coming from a friend's tank. No worries about snails from me, and I really think that's probably all the worries there would be.
Thanks everybody! The plants looks great in my tank and my husband's tank!
The only time I use the bucket and change the water a few times method is when buying plants from Ebay, any others just get swilled and checked for snails.
Reason being is most of the plants from Ebay come from the Far East and will have been treated with cooper to kill off any snails or other pests before the plant is shipped, you want to be sure there are no traces of copper left behind before you add to your tanks, copper can devastate shrimp populations.
I'm feeling confident. There are no shrimp in the tank I put them in.
You can soak plants in water and waterlifes Myxazin. This sterilises the plants and kills snails.

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