Caulerpa prolifera does have issues with going sexual... Ways to prevent this...
1. regular pruning and thinning
2. Some recommend a 24 hour photo period. I, however, do not and there are other bits of information that back me up. The rational behind the 24 hour period is that the plant can then never have the period of rest from photosynthesizing and this affects other functions as well, including going sexual. Subsequent research has found that if you have a long photo period, say 18 hours, but also give the macro a shorter period of rest, you'll achieve the same effect and get better growth. Imagine if you had to eat 24 hours a day with no rest, eventually, you don't function as affectively.
3. Some say iron dosing suppresses sexual events, I've never tried this.
4. Surface agitation doesn't prevent it from going sexual, but when there is heavy gas exchange at the surface and heavy agitation, the film that develops from macro going sexual doesn't form and it makes the episode easier for fish and inverts to go through. My Halimeda going sexual wasn't a bad thing. It's happened to me before. What happened was that the power head in charge of surface movement decided to fail right when it went sexual, resulting in a macro bomb. Now I have two power heads in charge of surface movement. Donya will clear up any science stuff. I stink at science, I only am able to explain things so that five year olds understand.
Now, Caulerpa prolifera did not go sexual in my biotope reef. It was, in fact, the Halimeda. Caulerpa has a bad rap, but if you're not willing to be on top of it, and it takes work to be on top of it, go for chaetomorpha instead. Macro algae going sexual is messy, messy, messy and while heavy surface agitation can prevent losses, it's still rather gross. Cheatomorpha has a very low occurrence of this. Just get chaeto. That's my recommendation. Hobbyists have it all the time to send, it ships extremely well, and you'd really have to be a moron to mess up with this stuff. LOLOL
I'm a moron, there's a reason why chaeto is in all of my fuges.
I have chaeto regularly. Once I supply my LFS and Tyler, I can slap you on the list for chaeto once it grows again. I've got 4 working fuges, it doesn't take long.