Cant Stop Laughing


Fish Fanatic
Mar 24, 2012
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Hull, East Yorkshire, England
walked into my kitchen all my platys and mollies are swimming about enjoying them selves, i looked a bit closer and saw my 2 albino corys swimming next to one of my female mollies, she wont leave them alone!! think there may have been some confusion going on there! haha the rest of my corys was just chilling at the bottom
Good place for a tank a kitchen!! I have both of mine in my kitchen
Funny :fun:

One of my male guppies is constantly courting my male platy. He is with him all the time, following him wherever he goes, shaking his pretty tail. The platy must be sooo annoyed :rolleyes:
I have 13 in my 47g and they are a trip to watch. I think the best show they have given me was the 7 cory breeding frenzy! That was funny!
I doubt there is much confusion there Liz. I find that most species of cory are not at all shy about swimming with other fish species. Cories are basically delightful little guys who are very sociable with peaceful tank mates. I just love mine.

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