Can You Use Too Much Purigen?


New Member
May 6, 2016
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(Dear moderator... this may be a duplicate. I think I hit the wrong button and lost my post. Then again, it may have been posted, and I just don't know for sure. If it's a duplicate, feel free to not approve it.
While waiting for an order of bulk Purigen and a reusable bag, I bought a pre-filled bag, not realizing that it's for a 100-gal tank. I have a 55 gal tank. Can I use this bag? Or should I cut the bag open and take half out and try to seal the bag?  I think I really need to use this and not wait on my bulk order. (I typed a long story to explain why, but I lost it... so suffice to say my Nitrates are way too high)
No you cant use too much.
A larger amount will merely last longer before needing to be replaced/recharged.
The one issue I found using too much was it cut the flow down considerably as it is a fine medium and packed tight.
May or may not be an issue depending on your filter set up.
I no longer use it in fact as I keep my nitrates under control with plants and WC's.

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