Can Tiger Barbs Go In A Tank With Discus


New Member
Jun 30, 2012
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heya i have recently got my tank fully setup and i have 4 tiger barbs and a syadotis catfish i would like do add some neon tetras and some discus can i put discus and tifer barbs together any help would be really kind thankyouu
Probably not a good idea. Besides the fact that Tiger Barbs can be a bit nippy, I think that they are a little to boisterous for Discus. I think that if the barbs didn't nip their fins, there is a chance that the stress of having them in the tank could cause problems for discus. You didn't say how big your tank was, but I probably wouldn't even try this in a larger tank. Maybe someone else has an opinion, but just sounds to me like disaster for any potential discus.
Probably not a good idea. Besides the fact that Tiger Barbs can be a bit nippy, I think that they are a little to boisterous for Discus. I think that if the barbs didn't nip their fins, there is a chance that the stress of having them in the tank could cause problems for discus. You didn't say how big your tank was, but I probably wouldn't even try this in a larger tank. Maybe someone else has an opinion, but just sounds to me like disaster for any potential discus.
I agree

Also siacus need daily water changes and RO water not to mention fairly large tanks about 55-75 gallon minimum (250-300 liters) and you haven't even said your tank size.
Not great tankmates. Discus need fairly specific water conditions and largish tanks, they are not commonly used in the average community tank.
Also just to add tiger barbs should be kept in groups of about 10+ to decrease their nippiness.
I think we need to have a stickied thread titled "You have Tiger Barbs? No, you can't have any other fish!" because I've yet to see anyone say "oh yes, that fish will be fine with a tiger barb" about any species whatsoever. ;)
I think we need to have a stickied thread titled "You have Tiger Barbs? No, you can't have any other fish!" because I've yet to see anyone say "oh yes, that fish will be fine with a tiger barb" about any species whatsoever. ;)
Haha this is true. They are labeled as "fin nippers" but I don't think they deserve to be labelled. Yes they nip but so do other fish... Like a lot of tetras but you don't really see people mention this?
I think we need to have a stickied thread titled "You have Tiger Barbs? No, you can't have any other fish!" because I've yet to see anyone say "oh yes, that fish will be fine with a tiger barb" about any species whatsoever. ;)

Not true. I have had several community tanks with tiger barbs and they were completely fine, even with my Gouramis. I just think that Tiger's aren't great with Angels or Discus because those two fish really have long, flowy ventral and anal fins that are really just asking for a boisterous barb shoal to tear apart. And with Discus, besides the stress of it causing possible health issues, if the water isn't pristine 100% of the time, you are asking for infection IMO. Yes, I would also say that barbs are often just given a bad rap, but if you are going to go through all of the trouble, effort, and time to maintain water quality for Discus, why throw a wrench in the whole thing?

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