Can Someone Identify These Fish Please?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 26, 2013
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I just got back from my LFS, after searching around for some peacock gobies. The bigger, chunkier one of these two was in a tank with some black widow tetras, and after talking about him I was told it was a peacock goby. I asked if there were any more for sale and in the tank next to it there was the smaller, more darker patterned one. Which I have absolutely no idea of species or sex.
To me they look like Garras or Gobies, but which type I have no clue.
Hope someone can shed some light on these fish, as they're gorgeous looking and I really want to give them optimum conditions.
Does anyone know? so confused as they could be anything!
Its a species of Stiphodon goby :) the black stripey one is female and the plain coloured one is an uncoloured male.
Ah, not what I was completely expecting then. Bit worried as this species is said to live in flowing rivers? I don't know how reliable the information i've come up with is, but apparently they go to 4-5cm, the male's easily 6cm already. In a bit of a state of turmoil here, as there's not even much algae growth in my tank for them to regularly graze on... The male's dug a hole in the sand under my bog wood and is completely out of sight, don't know where the female is.. :/
In my experience they do just great on frozen foods and live foods and eventually seem to move on to flakes or pellets too :)
I also think that males caneasily achieve 6cm, i wouldnt expect him to get bigger though..
Thanks a lot :)
Fed today and they took some bloodworms, as well as stealing a bit of the algae wafer haha, they are amazing little characters! I'm going to upload a video of them!!

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