Can Someone Give Me A Bit Of Help Please!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
Hull, East Yorkshire, England
really would like some advice on my new freshwater tank, Its a 36 litre with 4 cloud minnows and 5 zebra danios in it, I would love to have a betta in there aswell does anyone think this would be possible? I have a smaller 5 litre with nothing in it atm, but i didnt really want to use that. I know bettas can be kept in like 2-3 litre tank. thanks a lot.
Ok first off, danios of all types are FAST fish & as such need a long tank to zip about in a 36 litre is far too small. See if your fish shop will take them back, if so then a Betta in there would look amazing.

Your tank is already unsuitable. Zebra danios require a 4 foot tank as they are energetic. Both the minnows and danios need 6+ of each. Other than that a Berra could go in there I THINK. but only if you rehome the danios and up the minnows to 6 if they fit i don't know if they do. Also assuming you have a heater?

Actually bettas can't go in 2-3 liters of water and I consider 12 liters an absolute minimum with 25ish being better.
I would not consider this tank over stocked in any way bio load wise. With the possibility it is more so a tank with fish that aren't best suited for that environment, as stating this tank to as being over stocked would be like saying keeping a Cory in a group of 1 is overstocked. Man Of fish. I don't know your definition for over stocking but mine would be more so along the lines of having to many surface, bottom, mid dwelling fish, having too many fish, having to many territorial fish, etc. not ones ability to swim a long ways.

Now to the original question
With your tank you are already encountering problems referring to the stocking. As danios, as well with those types of minnows. They are both schooling fish, which means they can live in smaller groups as small where you have them yet they won't be as secure and you won't see there full potential keeping them confined to lower numbers. You also have another problem with the danios, they are very active fish for there size. And won't be as happy in anything short of a 3 foot tank due to there activity and group preference.
If you could ideally find a better home for the danios you could easily purchase a male Betta, assuming you have no flashy fish, and no plastic plants. And you are willing to get another minnow

From expecting experiences a Betta can survive in unaceptable conditions such as keeping them in confined spaces with minimal water changes, but mark my word. They Survive, ideally with all fish you want them to thrive which is why a tank upwards of 2.5 gallons would be ideal, more so of a tank around 5 gallons would be much better, and you'll see the full potential in the fish regarding to behaviour, and personality
It came out wrong I guess I didn't mean overstocked I just couldn't find a better word. I shall change it to unsuitable. On their other thread though they say they also have a baby pleco so what kind would definately help.
It came out wrong I guess I didn't mean overstocked I just couldn't find a better word. I shall change it to unsuitable. On their other thread though they say they also have a baby pleco so what kind would definately help.

Any pleco in a 36 litre = overstocked.

The 36l tank is grossly overstocked and unsuitable stocked.

You have ~36cm of adult fish in there, even just the 4 WCMM would be pushing it.

Both WCMM and Zebra Danios are schooling fish, 6 is considered the minimum decent stocking per schooling species, but even then a 10+ group will be far more natural (eg. I have 10 new "shy" ~2.5cm Microsynodontis sp.1 in my 48x12x15 and most of the group is out playing in the current with my breeding ~8cm Limones Goodeid group [15 fry an d counting]!).

WCMM and Zebra Danios need a temperate 18-20C tank with current, while a Betta needs calm ~26C water.

WCMM could possibly cope (rather than thrive) in a 40cm long tank, but hyperactive Zebra/Leopard Danios deserve 4-foot tanks despite their ~5cm adult size. They very much live life in the fast lane!

I'd rehome your current 36l stock with someone with a suitable temperate tank (18-20C) and then get a Betta for your 36l. Leave your "drinking cup" 5l for a thirst quencher on a summers day.:/
I would not consider this tank over stocked in any way bio load wise. With the possibility it is more so a tank with fish that aren't best suited for that environment, as stating this tank to as being over stocked would be like saying keeping a Cory in a group of 1 is overstocked. Man Of fish. I don't know your definition for over stocking but mine would be more so along the lines of having to many surface, bottom, mid dwelling fish, having too many fish, having to many territorial fish, etc. not ones ability to swim a long ways.

Now to the original question
With your tank you are already encountering problems referring to the stocking. As danios, as well with those types of minnows. They are both schooling fish, which means they can live in smaller groups as small where you have them yet they won't be as secure and you won't see there full potential keeping them confined to lower numbers. You also have another problem with the danios, they are very active fish for there size. And won't be as happy in anything short of a 3 foot tank due to there activity and group preference.
If you could ideally find a better home for the danios you could easily purchase a male Betta, assuming you have no flashy fish, and no plastic plants. And you are willing to get another minnow

From expecting experiences a Betta can survive in unaceptable conditions such as keeping them in confined spaces with minimal water changes, but mark my word. They Survive, ideally with all fish you want them to thrive which is why a tank upwards of 2.5 gallons would be ideal, more so of a tank around 5 gallons would be much better, and you'll see the full potential in the fish regarding to behaviour, and personality
i agree with you on this :good:

The 36l tank is grossly overstocked and unsuitable stocked.
Leave your "drinking cup" 5l for a thirst quencher on a summers day.:/

i just want to say in a serious tone that you choice of words are a little rude i guess to say the least. :/ . i would never tell any one that their tank is "grossly overstocked". if some one said that to me i would fell quite offended! and thought it might be a joke, i dont like how you describe a 5l as a thirst quencher- i have 3 tanks around that size and i have had many different happy fish in there including bettas.

so what i am saying, friend to friend, is to use more 'helpful' word and not words that sound more like insults. ;)
In my opinion your tank is large enought to house a male betta or some micro fish like boras borasor ember tetras but wcms need a a biffer tank. imo its cruel as they are quite an active fish
WWCM will do absolutely fine in higher temperatures, the only side effect is a slightly raised metabolism which would result in a slightly shorter lifespan
WWCM will do absolutely fine in higher temperatures, the only side effect is a slightly raised metabolism which would result in a slightly shorter lifespan
WWcms will not do fine in higher temps long fishyfriend said they wont live as long as they should........also 35ltrs is to small for them
Once again just a matter of opinion, I havnt noticed any differences between a WWCM in a 3 foot tank compared to a 10 gallon aquarium. And when in temperatures of around 78 the lifespan won't be affected in any large way, just a small one
i have and they swim around alot more to say the least

if a life span is affected negativly at all then it surely isnt right......especially as fishkeepers we should keep fish in optimum conditions :sick:
I would not consider this tank over stocked in any way bio load wise. With the possibility it is more so a tank with fish that aren't best suited for that environment, as stating this tank to as being over stocked would be like saying keeping a Cory in a group of 1 is overstocked. Man Of fish. I don't know your definition for over stocking but mine would be more so along the lines of having to many surface, bottom, mid dwelling fish, having too many fish, having to many territorial fish, etc. not ones ability to swim a long ways.

Now to the original question
With your tank you are already encountering problems referring to the stocking. As danios, as well with those types of minnows. They are both schooling fish, which means they can live in smaller groups as small where you have them yet they won't be as secure and you won't see there full potential keeping them confined to lower numbers. You also have another problem with the danios, they are very active fish for there size. And won't be as happy in anything short of a 3 foot tank due to there activity and group preference.
If you could ideally find a better home for the danios you could easily purchase a male Betta, assuming you have no flashy fish, and no plastic plants. And you are willing to get another minnow

From expecting experiences a Betta can survive in unaceptable conditions such as keeping them in confined spaces with minimal water changes, but mark my word. They Survive, ideally with all fish you want them to thrive which is why a tank upwards of 2.5 gallons would be ideal, more so of a tank around 5 gallons would be much better, and you'll see the full potential in the fish regarding to behaviour, and personality
i agree with you on this :good:

The 36l tank is grossly overstocked and unsuitable stocked.
Leave your "drinking cup" 5l for a thirst quencher on a summers day.:/

i just want to say in a serious tone that you choice of words are a little rude i guess to say the least. :/ . i would never tell any one that their tank is "grossly overstocked". if some one said that to me i would fell quite offended! and thought it might be a joke, i dont like how you describe a 5l as a thirst quencher- i have 3 tanks around that size and i have had many different happy fish in there including bettas.

so what i am saying, friend to friend, is to use more 'helpful' word and not words that sound more like insults. ;)

I am and always have been a "say what you mean and mean what you say" type of guy, I will not pussyfoot around a topic that I have a view on in any matter, not just fish.

IMO two schooling fish species of most common types, in suitable numbers, requires a tank of >80l. These poor nine minnows and danios are metaphorically being turned into sardines in a glass can!

My smallest tank, a 54l, holds seven (7) adult Persian Killifish, that are ~4cm long. Compared to WCMM and especially Zebra Danios, they are very docile/inactive fish. 45l is regarded as the minumum volume for a single fish by the RSPCA in the UK, I detest those miniture "tanks" and frankly I would not put more than a bacteria culture in them myself.

We all have views, I try to express those that most benefit the fish that cannot talk for themselves, keeping stocking levels low and keeping fish in "community tanks" together that have compatable needs.
I would not consider this tank over stocked in any way bio load wise. With the possibility it is more so a tank with fish that aren't best suited for that environment, as stating this tank to as being over stocked would be like saying keeping a Cory in a group of 1 is overstocked. Man Of fish. I don't know your definition for over stocking but mine would be more so along the lines of having to many surface, bottom, mid dwelling fish, having too many fish, having to many territorial fish, etc. not ones ability to swim a long ways.

Now to the original question
With your tank you are already encountering problems referring to the stocking. As danios, as well with those types of minnows. They are both schooling fish, which means they can live in smaller groups as small where you have them yet they won't be as secure and you won't see there full potential keeping them confined to lower numbers. You also have another problem with the danios, they are very active fish for there size. And won't be as happy in anything short of a 3 foot tank due to there activity and group preference.
If you could ideally find a better home for the danios you could easily purchase a male Betta, assuming you have no flashy fish, and no plastic plants. And you are willing to get another minnow

From expecting experiences a Betta can survive in unaceptable conditions such as keeping them in confined spaces with minimal water changes, but mark my word. They Survive, ideally with all fish you want them to thrive which is why a tank upwards of 2.5 gallons would be ideal, more so of a tank around 5 gallons would be much better, and you'll see the full potential in the fish regarding to behaviour, and personality
i agree with you on this :good:

The 36l tank is grossly overstocked and unsuitable stocked.
Leave your "drinking cup" 5l for a thirst quencher on a summers day.:/

i just want to say in a serious tone that you choice of words are a little rude i guess to say the least. :/ . i would never tell any one that their tank is "grossly overstocked". if some one said that to me i would fell quite offended! and thought it might be a joke, i dont like how you describe a 5l as a thirst quencher- i have 3 tanks around that size and i have had many different happy fish in there including bettas.

so what i am saying, friend to friend, is to use more 'helpful' word and not words that sound more like insults. ;)

I am and always have been a "say what you mean and mean what you say" type of guy, I will not pussyfoot around a topic that I have a view on in any matter, not just fish.

i have views too but i say them in nicer terms i guess you could say. :/ i understand your point of view about the thread and the gallon tanks (everyone has a different view for that) but its how you describe things that bothers me.

anyways thats all i want to say on here :|

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