Can Somebody Tell Me About This Fish Please . .


New Member
Jun 5, 2013
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Hi All
My Mother has recently set up a little tank (after giving me her larger tank). It's only 26 or so litres and she has stocked it. Personally I think she has been ill-advised by the fish store and what she has is unsuitable. Anyway, that besides one of the fish she has is that shown in the attached image. Can anyone ID it for me please? On initial inspection I thought it was a Sucking Loach/Chinese Algae Eater but the markings are slightly different. Maybe it's just differently marked, or maybe it's something else.
Your thoughts please . . . . 


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Looks like a Siamese Algae Eater. 
It is not suitable for a tank of her size.
What is her stock?
Is the tank cycled?
Thanks . .
In the flesh it looks a little more bull headed than a Siamese Algae Eater but you could be right. It is, apparently, five years old and measures about 3.5"
Yes, the tank is cycled (seems that every reply to a topic asks if the tank is cycled!). As for stock I can't exactly recall but there are a few mollies (or platies), a couple of swordtails and a few other smaller fish. She is going back to the fish store to sort them out!
Yeah Siamese algae eater was my first thought too ;-)
yea a real nusience when there adults to other fish there called sucker fish for a reason
Yeah, sorry about us all asking about cycling. It is because it is almost always the thing people slip up on and the fish pay for.
If possible, see if she can rehome all of the fish, then, redirect her to our nano fish thread found here . There are many beautiful fish she can have in her tank. :)
I hope she gets everything sorted out :)
yea your tank is overstocked some deffintaly rehome em
7 gallons is slim
Thanks, yep I know her tank is over-stocked and I'm on the case. As for the original reason of this thread then that fish will have to go to a new home. I knew the minute I saw it that it wasn't right for her tank, just wanted an ID on it before I re-home it. I want someone to know what they are getting ;-)

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