Can I Keep Adding


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2012
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So I have a 30 gallon planted tank. I have 3 cories, 3 kuhli loach, 1 platy, 2 dwarf frogs, and 3 painted tetras. Can I still add more fish in there? If so. What kind of fish?
I would concentrate on getting more of the kinds of fish you have.

All your species do better in groups of at least six. I wouldn't get any more 'painted' tetras; find out what species they are and get normal coloured ones. The dying process they use on those fish is quite cruel, and banned in some countries.

Your fish will be happier and behave more naturally in larger shoals, and if you add different species, you usually end up with a tank that looks quite 'messy'.
Good advice. When you have shoaling fish you get the most interesting behavior out of them when they are in their proper numbers.
So since they are bottom dwellers most of the time can I add more fish for like middle or top dwellers? Or would there be no more volume for the fish to swim in?
I'd also be concerned about the dwarf frogs in that tank with the fish. The frogs are rather slow to react to food, while the fish will gobble up every bit they come across.
So I have a 30 gallon planted tank. I have 3 cories, 3 kuhli loach, 1 platy, 2 dwarf frogs, and 3 painted tetras. Can I still add more fish in there? If so. What kind of fish?

As said above, the cories should have a school of at LEAST 6 of the same species, not a hodge podge mix. The kuhli's will also appreciate at least 3-6 more of their kind. As for the painted tetras, up their school with at least 3 of the same species, but try to get the natural coloration to stop promoting the dyeing process.

As for the ADF, they do thrive in a species only environment as they find it very difficulty to find food in a tank with fish as the fish can rely on scent and sight to find food, whereas the frogs primarily use their sense of smell as they see in only shadows and are nearly blind.

A nice little 5 gallon system would be perfect for the pair of ADF.

So, a recommended stocking for the 30 gallon is:
6+ Cories of the same species, 6-10+ kuhlis, 6+ tetras and the platy. What gender is your platy? If male then you could toss in a few more males for more color and mid area movement. If female then leave it as solo for a few months to make sure it does not have any fry (females can store sperm for a few months, you want to make sure she is empty / virgin. If she is then you can get a few more females but only buy them if they are in a female only tank or if you have the space to quarantine them for a few months. Otherwise the fry will over stock your tank within one birthing.

The tetras will shoal nicely once their group has been increased.

Please note, ALL new fish have to be quarantined for 30 days to keep your current stock healthy.
Alright then! At the meantime, I will try to get some more cories and kuhil and see how their behavior chamges. What other fish should I get if i dont want any tetras?

Also my platy is a male.

As for the adf, they seems to be doing fine and getting their share of food, so i dont really stress over it.
You could add a dwarf gourami as a centerpiece fish. If you rehome the tetras you could maybe look into a school of something else.

Also, remember to add fish don't want to overwhelm your filter. Let it build up to the increasing bacteria load gradually.
There are many varied options as tetras go, very nice peaceful shoaling varieties. If you are looking for vibrant colors, neon or cardinal tetras are some of the most colorful. Non-tetras that are really nice shoalers with some nice color would be harlequin rasboras (available at just about every pet store). They give you more color than you might think when you see it in the pet store. Their tails take on a red color at home.

Nice shoalers:
neon tetra
cardinal tetra
bloodfin tetra
rummynose tetra
harlequin rasbora
hengeli's rasbora

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