I euthanised my favourite gourami today, he was too far gone with dropsy.
I was thinking of getting a betta for my tank, but I don't have experience with them, so I need some advice.
He'd be going in my 95 litre tank (see signature for current population) which is heavily planted (two amazon swords, a bunch of vallisneria, and java fern, two lucky bamboo stalks, with the leaves outside the water, and plenty of floating plants)
Would it be ok in that tank? What about the current population? Would they coexist?
I was thinking of getting a betta for my tank, but I don't have experience with them, so I need some advice.
He'd be going in my 95 litre tank (see signature for current population) which is heavily planted (two amazon swords, a bunch of vallisneria, and java fern, two lucky bamboo stalks, with the leaves outside the water, and plenty of floating plants)
Would it be ok in that tank? What about the current population? Would they coexist?