Can I Add Killifish To This Tank ?

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Fish Herder
Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I have a 30 U.S. gallon tank with 1 Koi Angel, 1 Gold Ram, Diamond Tetras, Corys, and a BN Pleco.

I need some color in there and I have been searching and cannot find anything that grabs my interest. I came across the Guentheri Killifish (Redtail Notho) on-line :drool: $40 for a pair :crazy: so I need to think on this.

Are they compatible with my fish ? My ph is 7.8, a tad high ? I have white sand with alot of wood and silk plants. Temp 78F

Are they interesting to watch, have personalities, responsive or shy ?

Any help is much appreciated ! Thanks
In a word NO!
Guentheri is one of the easier species of the genus Nothobranchius and is a true Annual type Killifish.
They really need specialist treatment with their own tank. They need live food as dry and frozen is mostly shuned.
Not really a fish you should be considering for your tank.
:eek: Thank you BigC !

This is what the site said:
These fish are ideal fish for the community aquarium, and will add some vibrant color and activity to these aquariums.

The Guentheri Killifish is not demanding and can adapt to a variety of water conditions. These fish prefer a heavily planted aquarium, and softer water on the acidic side.

That's why I ask here first !
These fish are ideal fish for the community aquarium, and will add some vibrant color and activity to these aquariums.
Total Rubbish on the community aquarium part... they will add colour (males only as females are drab) but I doubt if they will last more than 3mths. From experience they will waste away and probably be bullied, refuse non living food.
The Guentheri Killifish is not demanding and can adapt to a variety of water conditions. These fish prefer a heavily planted aquarium, and softer water on the acidic side.
Pretty vague info there, its like saying similar about a goldfish.

Sorry to burst you bubble and you are free to do your own thing, but IMHO Nothobranchius guentheri ha no place in a community aquarium.
Better of trying a pair of one of the following
Aphyosemion australe
Aphyosemion striatum
Epiplatys dageti Monrovia
Fundulopanchax gardneri sp or spp.
Dont forget the tight fitting lid/coverglass as killifish love to jump.
Looked a few of those up. Think I'll forget about the killies and go back to the drawing board ! Thanks

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