Can Any Pygmy Cory Owners Give Me Some Tips?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 11, 2012
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*Copied from previous post so you can know what's currently in the aquarium*
I Have a 20 gallon aquarium stocked with,
1 male betta fish,
3 african dwarf frogs,
10 glow light tetra
1 assassin snail and 1 amano shrimp *the others got eaten after molting... I think*,

Its set up with lots of easy care plants like,
Java fern/java moss/xmas moss/anubias/giant grass/wisteria/onion plant/17 leafed amazon sword *More are growing*
Substrate on 50% of the aquarium is Eco complete the other 50% is white sand its got two pieces of drift wood in it and the heat is always kept at 80.
I do 20% water change every Friday. Video link of my aquarium

I've checked out multiple websites and they vary a lot and would love some advice from current Cory owners so I can successful own these adorable fish. I'm wanting to add a school of 5-6 into my 20 gallon aquarium.
80 a bit hot for them and I believe they prefer a lower than average ph
80 a bit hot for them and I believe they prefer a lower than average ph

So we talking dropping the temperature to 75-78? Which is do able for most of the fish in my aquarium I just tend to keep it more on the warmer temperature since the fish tank is near a door way.
Change your water on a Thursday, Pigmy Cory's hate it changed on a Friday.

(Just Kidding).
Change your water on a Thursday, Pigmy Cory's hate it changed on a Friday.

(Just Kidding).

I wonder if instead of pygmy's should I get then some Sterbai but I don't know how many I'd be able to fit with my current 14inch out of 20 inch rule... cause i unno if that's a stupid rule or not but if so yeah.
I would stick with the pygmies as other cories get s lot bigger and you would probably end up having to change a lot more water each week.
I would stick with the pygmies as other cories get s lot bigger and you would probably end up having to change a lot more water each week.

Alright btw should I add like half of the school then wait a few days to add the rest of it? So I don't deal with a huge influx on my water quality.

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