Can 2 Bettas In A Bigger Tank Co-Exsist?


New Member
Sep 10, 2015
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Hi there, I have a 29 gallon tank that I want to set up and I also have 3 bettas in three different one gallon tanks and I know bettas don't get along and I was wondering if it's possible to put two baby bettas in a 29 gallon together? I also here that some people cycle tanks with bettas is this really safe?
no, dont cycle tanks with any fish
My guess is the bettas wont be able to live together 
wondering if it's possible to put two baby bettas in a 29 gallon together?
You might get away with it if they are females and even then you would need at least 5.
As for males the simple answer is no,
I also here that some people cycle tanks with bettas is this really safe?
IMO all tanks should be cycled before adding ANY type of fish. Doing a fish in cycle is a sure way of killing the fish.
Edit bellow.
Bettas are NOT these mythical hardy fish that live happily in puddles,
I know they can't co-exist in a 30-gallon.

But I'm curious to know if maybe a 100 gallon would prove different. Specifically a well-planted 100G that is 6 feet long. Does anyone know how big a betta's "territory" can get? Will they only protect about 3 feet of that area? Or will they try to dominate all 6 feet?
My lfs has two males in their tank they sell their plants from. I was shocked

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