CAE's are chinese algae eaters. Not so bad when they're young, but when they get olde they develop a taste for fish's slime coats.... and eyeballs.
I suppose strictly speaking we shouldn't (as I keep doing) speak of CAE's as evil. Lions aren't evil creatures. They are just not very suitable for keeping in the zebra enclosure...
That is true, but Lions kill for food, CAE just seem to harrass other fish for kicks!!

But yes, evil is a little harsh!
Do you think they get some nutrition out of sucking other fish's slime coat? Could be, couldn't it? Anything they like- as long as they stay away from my tank!
Kazman said:
That is true, but Lions kill for food, CAE just seem to harrass other fish for kicks!!

But yes, evil is a little harsh!
I know what you mean, but fish don't do things "just for kicks" :/
they tend to do it either because:
1) they want to eat it,
2) the other fish is in it's territory
No I suppose not, it must be for nutrition although ours was well fed and was a fantastic algae eater but was the most hyper fish and couldn't sit still for a minute! He used to go up and down the glass cleaning it and then hop on to any passing fish and then back onto glass duty. Maybe he used liked the variety, algae for main course and slime on the side?! :lol:

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