Cabomba Trouble


New Member
Jul 14, 2012
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I bought a lovely bushy bright green cabomba a couple of weeks ago but it has gone downhill in my tank, it thrives in my other tank.

Any ideas on what's going wrong?

What are the differences between your tanks?
What are the differences between your tanks?

The smaller tank were cabomba is doing well is a biube (using internal filter not god awful ceramic media), so has the LED's but main community (Roma 125) is two T8 bulbs. Other tan that just stock but don't thinks it's fish because there are no bite marks or loose bits of plant floating round the tank.
Is there any chance its melting as you said you bought it so might have been grown immersed? Try a piece from your tank it grows well in and see if the same thing happens.
It was bought from a tank that it was submerged. All cuttings I've put in there have never exploded like in the other tank. They are only healthy looking at the very tops of the shoots.
The tank you got them from was it a local fish shop?
The tank you got them from was it a local fish shop?

Yes, could it of just been submerged a couple of days before I got it? Resulting in the melt? If so what do you recommend?
Most plants are grown immersed then put in the lfs tanks submerged so its probably melting back and should re grow new shoots like the ones on the tips you mentioned.
Good news, thanks for your advice! :good:
Can anyone help with my Cambomba problem? The same thing happend to me with fronds falling off and floating round the tank. The roots are strong enough to send up new shoots which seem good to start with, then the fronds start to fall off again, until you areleft with just the stem? Could it be a lack of phosphates?
Coolie what are you dosing ferts and CO2 wise?
I'm dosing everything (dry powder dosing) except Phosphate becausse I've run out. CO2 I'm trying to avoid buying \ getting into, so once a day I run an airator for a couple of hours to increase both O2 and CO2 levels slightly.
What's the airation? An airstone? Are you adding any carbon/CO2?
Yes - it's an airstone, I'm not wishing to go down the CO2 route.
Well you shouldn't be dosing phosphates and nitrates with no CO2 or carbon really and running an airstone will reduce any CO2 due to surface movement.

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