Bumblebee Goby With Others?


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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Anyone keep these little guys I have one in a 10 Gal tank. I had 2 but I have a feeling my stronger one might have taken the other one out. Now I have one little bumblebee goby that is doing awesome! I feed him frozen blood worms and Live Black worms He goes NUTS for them. 
A part of me wants to try and keep another one with him. I have this feeling he likes being the only bottom feeder.
Anyone have experience with these little cute fish? Do they like being others others of the same kind. From what I read I am confused. I see they are territorial but people keep them with others. I don't know Only time I saw mine get territorial was with the other bumblebee goby that when missing. 
Do you have them in brackish?  I believe all species do best in brackish water with some only tolerating freshwater but I'm not certain and species ID is tricky.  I had a brackish tank of them.  Getting close up pics of the tiny things for other people to ID was frustrating.  With lots of hiding places they can do fine in a community tank and will most certainly get along with their own kind without deaths.  Give them enough holes in rock or planting areas and they will easily set themselves up somewhere and generally not fight to any real damage about it.  They make nice little colonies with the right setup.  Aside from their own kind upper water column fish with short fins and fish that can match it's aggression without trying to claim specific territory around the goby seem to fair best.  Now in tanks with too much empty space in the bottom or people's desire to cram them in small tanks due to their small size they can become a problem.
My tank
I found this article http://www.aquarticles.com/articles/breeding/McKane_Bumblebee_Gobies.html
The tanks is not Brackish I added a bit of salt and he seems to be doing great. Eating very well, his color looks awesome and bright. I read they can be found in fresh and Brackish. I read some confusing info on lots of different sites. Some saying they are fresh water fish others saying they need some salt. Others said just keep the ph around 8 and it will be ok. 
Thanks I might try and get one more if I can find one. I have mine with 3 sparkling Gouramis and some annoying neons. No other bottom feeding critters to take any of his space. 
Some species can live in freshwater long term but it is not preferred.  In their natural habitat they move along different salinities.  If you want them in a community planted tank though there's not really a way around it.  From the aquaticles
The Second Thing
The Brachygobius xanthozona has perfect unbroken black stripes and is best suited for brackish, but will tolerate fresh water much better than the other type.
The Brachygobius nunus has less well banded stripes, and occasionally black spots or broken stripes. It is not very tolerant of a fresh water environment. Technically its common name is the Golden Banded Goby, although I have not once seen these two species clearly distinguished when on sale in fish stores.
I believe there are other species but that's 2 of the common ones.  A species with 4 bands was mentioned but that site just said all species should be kept in brackish.  I remember people wanting good enough pics from me to count spines in the dorsal fin and stripes and I'm just not that good with a camera plus those pics are pushing 10 years old so digital cameras were not to the same point and shoot level.  I never did figure out my exact species.  I saw the aquarium store I got them from still has them on occasion.
hi i have bumblebee goby in freshwater, the breeder kept all of his in freshwater. i have had mine for a year and they are breeding. but i am having problems raising the fry.
I still have mine. I use to feed them live blackworms they loved it. But I can't get the live worms anymore and one is looking really bad. I bought some Swordtails to supply live food and it has worked well for one Goby that it looking very fat today thanks to a female dropping fry last night. 
Feeding these guys is the hardest part about keeping them. They got so spoiled with live food that they don't eat frozen food any more. I will keep trying. 
Thats cool that you got them to breed for you. 

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