Bulldog Pleco Hiding Behind Heater


New Member
Sep 10, 2012
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i have a bulldog  pleco that seems to like to stay behind the heater day and night, is it because of the heat or could it be because thats also where myairstone flows to?
any thoughts greatly appreciated
Most plecs seem to prefer hiding behind the heater; they just seem to find it a convenient spot. It's probably nothing to worry about. Do make sure it has enough hiding places in the tank and that your heater has a guard on it. Because they have such tough skin, they don't always feel the heat and can suffer some really bad burns.
Could be flow, could be enjoying the heat, could be that that is a great spot for hiding out.  My BN pleco enjoyed hanging out behind my filter intake... then he dug out his own space under a large flat rock and hung out there... then I put a new piece of driftwood in that is hollow on the inside, and he just sits in there all the time now.  I like that there's a little 'window' for me to peek in on him every now and then.
Move the air stone to another spot.  if he moves with it he might like the flow .   Put another heater in the aquarium and unplug the old one but don't remove it.  if he moves to the heater that is on he likes the heat.
Try getting him a breeding cave and provide lots of hiding spaces, My adult male BN spends most of his time in or near his cave, My albino Female is someplace in the tank under a bit of wood, Even the 2 albino fry now about 3 months old are someplace under a bit of wood or in a cichlid cave, I never see them hanging off the glass. I think they are too well fed to bother with glass algae.
thanks for all the info. moved the airstone pipe briefly and they didnt move.
just read up and someplaces saying you need water agertation so gonna treat myself to powerhead.

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