Bugs In Tank


May 20, 2006
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have these tiny things in the breeder net box in my tank. They are on the tank glass (above water level) too.

they look like fleas. they jump a lot when disturbed.

any idea how to get rid of them. I think they came from the bucket i used (last week) which was in the garden.

any ideas
Possibly collembola. Harmless and some fish will eat them if they have the patience to pick them of the water surface!
Common in planted tanks.
If they are collembola have no idea how to get rid of them, you can try skimming the water surface with a paper towel or piece of newspaper.
I've had them for at least 12 months and they've caused no issues.
Its perfectly normal to have bugs in your tank. Most of them are harmless especially the flea like ones. Don't worry about them they will go on their own.

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