Bubble Nest Building


Fish Crazy
Feb 7, 2013
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I have a male and female Paradise fish in my tank but as I keep surface movement it means he cannot build a bubble nest with the filter on.  
When feeding I switch off the filter for 15 mins or so while they all eat and during this time he always starts building a bubble nest. I then feel guilty when i have to turn the filter flow back on and destroy his nest.
So does anybody know if these fish have to build or have nests and Will a bubble nest builder get stressed out or upset if they cannot build or if their nests are destroyed ?
im not a pro in this category but i am sure i have read somewhere that the male will build the nest before attempting to lure a female to mate and since he  fails because you destroy said nest he will try again and again...
long story short if you want them to mate you need to either slow the water flow down or put them in a breeding tank with a slow flow.

i doubt it is stressfull for him.
Maybe make some sort of frame, ie a ring of air tubing, and anchor it in a a corner of the tank, or maybe a few water lettuce that would protect the nest.
Have you looked into baffling the filter outflow? Depending on the type of filter you are using there are methods using water bottles or foam cut to fit over the outflow.
No I don't want him to mate or anything But I don't want to stress them out either if they can't act naturally.
I can pretty easily change the flow level but i always like surface movement to keep good oxygenation in there, so as long not being able to build doesn't stress them I'll leave it as it is . He always seems happy but has a permanent grumpy face lol

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