My pair of bristlenose that are currently in my community tank have spawned, im just curious as to wether or no the fry will be ok with the other fish i have in my tank, kissing gourami, pearl gouramis, dwarf gourami, sailfin molly, platy, peppered corys, glass catfish guppies and other bristlenose because jve read that larger fish wil eat them. i do have another tank set up but have other breeding pairs of bristlenose in there. I wasnt expecting these two to breed in my community tank and dont want to disturb the others, should i use a breeding net or leave them be?
I did do research on the breeding them before i started but just need a little bit of help
My pair of bristlenose that are currently in my community tank have spawned, im just curious as to wether or no the fry will be ok with the other fish i have in my tank, kissing gourami, pearl gouramis, dwarf gourami, sailfin molly, platy, peppered corys, glass catfish guppies and other bristlenose because jve read that larger fish wil eat them. i do have another tank set up but have other breeding pairs of bristlenose in there. I wasnt expecting these two to breed in my community tank and dont want to disturb the others, should i use a breeding net or leave them be?
I did do research on the breeding them before i started but just need a little bit of help