Brine Shrimp?


Fish Crazy
Jul 17, 2012
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I've bought my fishies some live baby brine shrimp as I was told these would be welcome treats... only they havent got any instructios on how to store them without killing them and how much to feed at a time/how often to feed... anybody able to answer those questions for me?
If you refer to the small bag you can buy from your LFS just pour the whole bag in.
Haha, no probably not! I'll put them in tonight instead of the normal flake and watch the feeding frenzy ensue
I tip the bag of shrimps into a small tupperware container that then lives on my bathroom windowsill. I pick out shrimps with a tablespoon, put them in a small ramekin until I have enough shrimps, tip out as much of the brine as I can to avoid raising the salinity of my tank, and then swish them in for the fish to munch. I do only have a small tank and few fish though so I can't feed them a whole bag at a time. They live for ages in the tupperware container though so they all get eaten eventually.
Fresh hatched Artemia (brine shrimp) under 24hr old is best as once they absorb the egg sac most all of the nutritional value is depleted unless gut loaded (this is a whole other topic).
I hatch daily to feed young fry and store excess in a shallow Tupperware container in the fridge for up to 24 hrs, this slows the metabolism and lengthens the time they are a useful food.
they quickly wake up and begin to swim normally when brought back up to regular temperatures.

Straining with untreated tap water in a coffee filter to remove the hatching solution is generally advised.
The Artemia survives for up 5-6 hours in fresh water.
cool :) they were next day delivery - aparrently hatched yesterday. thanks for the advice :)

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