Breeding Livebearers Mollies


Fish Addict
Aug 6, 2012
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I bought 5 mollies about 3 months ago, the first brood mostly got eaten and I had to get rid of my Rosy Barbs, but since then, I have about 35 1 - 2 cm free swimming and a further 60 in a net, and I have a lovely big net for the job. I am managing to keep 99% alive, something I could never achieve back fish keeping when I was younger. The only problem will be off loading them or housing them when they are just too small to sell but so many and so big, that the load on the tank will be colossal (have two large filters running). Any comments really appreciated. By the way, with all the small fish the aquarium looks fantastic.
That is always the danger with livebearers, moving them on. YOu can try offering them on Criagslist or Gumtree (depending upon which side of the Atlantic you are on), and you can try your LFS.
Livebearers are very hard to find homes for as they're so prolific, many Lfs won't take them, imo it's best to let nature take it's course as you already sound like you've more than you've got room for & every 30 days or so there'll be many more to house
Do has at the local pet store because some do take them in. I usually sell my guppies, platies, and molly to a local pet store.
Thank you for your comments. Black Mollies are beautiful fish. It's strange that things are valued by their rarity, and because they are easily bred, they are seen as "cheap" and "common". However, when you look at them (and put the time and effort into breeding them well), they are very nice fish both to look at and they are well natured and friendly.
My Molly Fry are almost 3 months old now, my LFS said they'd take them off me when they could be sexed, not long to go now.

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