Breeding In Your Main Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2012
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Just wondering...If space is an issue and you've only got one large tank; do people actually use the floating breeding 'pens'?

All the videos I have seen are people using seperate tanks with all the gear.

I have 13 zebra danios and some of the females are pregnant and being chased by the males in the tank.
Just wondering...If space is an issue and you've only got one large tank; do people actually use the floating breeding 'pens'?

All the videos I have seen are people using seperate tanks with all the gear.

I have 13 zebra danios and some of the females are pregnant and being chased by the males in the tank.

I've tried the floating pen but not successfully - either the fish was not pregnant in the first place, or the stress of the pen was too much. It was helpful when I got a female guppy fry by mistake from the LFS with some males, the fry was tiny and would almost certainly have been eaten by the Angels if I had not had the pen. She is now in the other tank and will hopefully mate in a couple of months when she is old enough!
I'm pretty sure you won't be able to breed the danios. It's just one of those very difficult to breed in captivity fish.
Danios are actually easy fish to breed. Very easy. But you usually can't attain it in a community aquarium setup. You would need a setup along the lines of a glass marble bottom. 8 danios, atleast 3 females. Dim lighting, and heavy ground cover.
Oh I read it was hard........ Don't know where.....
So using the own wouldn't work?

Should I just get a really small tank with sponge filter etc?
What type of fish a you considering in raising and breeding. Danios? If so then you should ideally do tons of research on breeding them, as it's a bit more complicate than you think.... For any type of fish
Yeah trying to gather ad much info as possible. I would like to try breeding my danios.

I also have 3 three spot gourmai's and the tank is 450L.
You don't necessarily need a special tank to do it in. Any decent sized container you can fit a heater and a filter in will do, even if the filter is just a cheap sponge one. I got a sponge filter from eBay for £1.68! I keep the sponge in my filter so it's ready to go if the need arises, whether for a fry tank, quarantine tank, whatever.

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