Fish Fanatic
So I have been thinking about this today, is it possible to breed more peaceful bettas, by breeding the more mellow ones together and so on? Breeding for temperament is nothing new. We do it all the time in pure-bred dogs (I am an Italian Greyhound exhibitor and breeder). If they made them more aggressive, then surely to opposite is possible??? Has anyone ever tried?
Just curious, I am no fish breeder (though I'd like to give it a go one day when I am more prepared for it). Haha maybe when the time comes I'll go with my really lax crowntail boy Atlas and Artemis, my sweet-natured veil-tail girl and see!
Just curious, I am no fish breeder (though I'd like to give it a go one day when I am more prepared for it). Haha maybe when the time comes I'll go with my really lax crowntail boy Atlas and Artemis, my sweet-natured veil-tail girl and see!