Breeding Danios


New Member
Apr 21, 2013
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I have a Zebra danio and a Leopard Daniel in a breeding tank that I made with my mom (don't judge), I don't know what to do? Do I just sit around and wait, or what? Sry I'm a noob...

(See attached photo^^^)
I'm just gonna move this thread to the specialist section of the forum.
These fish are pretty easy to spawn, but pretty difficult to actually get some fry from.
Assuming that your danios are a pair (ie 1 male and 1 female), the tank needs to have a bottom where the eggs can sink and not be accessible to the parents. Many breeders used marbles, others use a mesh bottom. If you just use a standard substrate, the parents will eat the eggs. Once you've seen them spawn, remove them back to the main tank, and wait for the fry to hatch. Then feed on the usual fry food, infusoria, etc.
Does anyone have any pictures (or links they can post) of either : What a female Danio with (unfertislised) eggs inside her looks like or what Danio eggs look like once the female has released them?  I'm trying to visualize the size / scale so I can see if mine have been dropping eggs - although I know that Danio's often tend to eat their own eggs so I wouldn't expect them to hang around!
Really, it would be best to 'condition' the female separately from the male. 'Conditioning' just means feeding her with a high quality, high protein food (live or frozen is best) until she's nice and plump. Don't give huge amounts of food; you want her to make eggs, not just get fat!
Then you add the male; usually last thing at night; a lot of fish will spawn when the morning light hits the tank, so if you can set it up so that happens, you might have more success.
They eggs are really tiny, only about 1mm, so you might not even see them. You'll need a lot of fine leaved plants, or marbles/mesh, as tlm mentions, or the parents will eat them all.
I had zebra danio (glo-fish actually) fry several times in my 28g community tank with sand substrate, and it wasn't even heavily planted. The babies look like tiny dark triangles or hairs adhering to the glass. I used a paper cup to separate them from the tank (nets don't work). Got about 11 fry each time and raised them separately on very finely ground flake, no conditioning/marbles/infusoria required! Perhaps they weren't newborns when I saw them and had survived by eating naturally occurring microorganisms in my long-established tank until they got to a size where I could see them (and they could eat powdered flake food)?
I had 2 males (pink and green) and one orange female. I got to see them spawn multiple times and did get to save the fry once, although I killed them accidentally while changing their water. They were about a month old and were free-swimming by then, beginning to get the Glo-Fish colors, when they died
I shall have to be more careful next time.

Anyway, hope this helps!

Just to warn you, PK, if you try to sell any Glofish(R) fry, and the Glofish(R) company get to hear about it, they will be very unhappy little bunnies and will attempt to sue your rear-end off. They are VERY protective of their copyrights and patents (in fairness, they have every right to be). Not sure how you stand by giving them away.
Part of their Ts&Cs is that you should not intentionally breed them, unless you do so at school but not at home, and you must not sell, barter or trade any such fry. Reading that implies that you can give them away.
Heh, it's not like I can make them not breed, LOL. I didn't condition them or anything, it was all their doing, but once they spawned, was I going to let those cute babies die? No way!
I never sell any fish. Sometimes I give them away or take them to the LFS, but I don't sell them. It just doesn't feel right, y'know? Your kids have got to grow up and find new homes sometime, but would you sell them?

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