Breed Identification-HELP


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Nov 23, 2016
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These fish came into my possession as 'breeding pairs'.
After some research, I am unsure they are pairs at all!

Orange/black (male) + Orange/black trimmed (female) - Platties
Black (female) + Yellow/Black (male) - Mollies

Many people are giving me different answers (including the LPS) and I am now unsure of their breed(s).
I do believe I have them sexed correctly. If not, please let me know!



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The black one is a molly, they tend to be bigger than a platy, also the mouth on the black one looks more like a mollys, the rest I think are Platy, But all these fish will breed with each other, they will not 'pair' off....they all come from the same family and all are live bearers.
Hi, yes the two dark ones are mollies, other is platy. The platy look pregnant to me. I can't tell but I hope you have enough females to male ratio?
Just to clarify - all colours of platy will breed together, and all colours of mollies will breed together. But mollies and platies can't breed together. They are from different genuses. Platies and swordtails are both Xiphophorus and can interbreed; mollies, guppies and endlers are all Poecilia and can interbreed, though molly/guppy and molly/endler crosses do not usually survive. Most endlers in shops are really guppy/endler crosses.

And female livebearers can store sperm so if your females have ever been in a tank with a male, they will be carrying sperm for whatever colour the other males were.
The black one is a molly, they tend to be bigger than a platy, also the mouth on the black one looks more like a mollys, the rest I think are Platy, But all these fish will breed with each other, they will not 'pair' off....they all come from the same family and all are live bearers.

I thought that Platties and Mollies can't breed? Only platties+swordtails & mollies+guppies.
Hi, yes the two dark ones are mollies, other is platy. The platy look pregnant to me. I can't tell but I hope you have enough females to male ratio?

I think, by looking at the back anal fin, I have two females and two males. I will likely get more females as I get more versed in fish care. I thought I ended up with 2male, 1female platty and one female Molly.. which isn't great considering platys and mollies can't breed. Either way I will need more females, but, please tell me.. What details make you believe both dark ones are Millie's? The black definitely looks like one (big mouth & eyes)..the yellow/black looks more platty to me..? Could be he isn't full grown..?
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Just to clarify - all colours of platy will breed together, and all colours of mollies will breed together. But mollies and platies can't breed together. They are from different genuses. Platies and swordtails are both Xiphophorus and can interbreed; mollies, guppies and endlers are all Poecilia and can interbreed, though molly/guppy and molly/endler crosses do not usually survive. Most endlers in shops are really guppy/endler crosses.

And female livebearers can store sperm so if your females have ever been in a tank with a male, they will be carrying sperm for whatever colour the other males were.

Thank you, that is helpful! Do you also agree that I have 3 platties(2 males, 1female) and one female Molly?
Which means my female/male ratio is off..
If you look at their body shape, the 2 platties are thicker, and from the top fin to their bellies they are "taller". Platties also have a kind of hunched back. Usually platties are shorter in length than mollies when fully grown. That giant female plattie looks to be the oldest fish, and the male molly looks pretty young to me.

As a side note, it almost looks like the male platty has some white poo going on. Live bearers often have internal parasites when purchased from pet shops, so I would keep an eye on their poo. Look for white, thin and rather stringy poo, also see if they are eating their food or just spitting it back out. If they are doing that then I would treat them all with some sort of parasite medication. API general cure worked pretty well for me, but it was a little pricey.
I thought that Platties and Mollies can't breed? Only platties+swordtails & mollies+guppies.

I have actually read this time and time again, but from experience, I have had offspring of platy and Molly's, (male Molly female platy) about 10 years ago.
Most of the fry died in the first week, and the ones that were left were the last ones and were probably infertile.
I've read online of others who have successfully bred these two- but personally I say it's possible.
More females than males is probably the best way to keep livebearers happy, but the outcome will be in a few months your tank(s) will be full of them. If you are lucky and have a good strain then your LFS may take some off your hands but without some population control you will soon be inundated with them.
Thanks everyone! You have been very helpful. Lost the yellow/black today sometime. No visable signs of trama/sick ess. Treating the whole tank w a cure all, just in case..(maybe the stress of being moved homes..maybe he was sick before??).
The BIG orange platty may have babies soon! (Gravid spot starting to show and vent seems white/buldged a bit). My lps is fond of buy back/individual purchase/credit..etc. I plan to seperate male/females and keep certain babies for myself to keep a healthy strong pretty line. We will see how it goes. So far, love being a fish mom! Two more larger tanks on stand by ;). SUPER thankful for Google and sites like this one!
Thanks everyone! You have been very helpful. Lost the yellow/black today sometime. No visable signs of trama/sickess. Treating the whole tank w a cure all, just in case..(maybe the stress of being moved homes..maybe he was sick before??).
The BIG orange platty may have babies soon! (Gravid spot starting to show and vent seems white/buldged a bit). My lps is fond of buy back/individual purchase/credit..etc. I plan to seperate male/females and keep certain babies for myself to keep a healthy strong pretty line. We will see how it goes. So far, love being a fish mom! Two more larger tanks on stand by ;). SUPER thankful for Google and sites like this one!

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