Bolivian Rams

David J

Nov 18, 2012
Reaction score
East Lothian, Scotland

In the next few weeks I am getting some Bolivian rams and I'm doing some more research on them now. Can anyone answer the following:

1/ How many should I get? I have a planted 90L tank. I would like a breeding pair but I'm getting differing advice on whether to simply get 1m and 1f or 1m and 2f.

2/ If I do manage to breed them I am likely to let them just do their thing is not remove the young to another tank etc. I am a believer in letting things run their natural course. With this in mind, how many would you expect to survive to adulthood? Tank mates are lemon tetra, glow light tetra and panda corys.

3/ if I just get 1m and 1f how likely is it that they will pair?

4/ I read that they like caves. I have one cave at the moment but the pandas like using it so I was thinking of getting another. How necessary is this as I also read some places that there is no need for a cave.

5/ does anyone bag any idea where to buy a real rock cave? Not slate. I am struggling to find anything real other than slate.


First, for a tank your size, I would only get one. What with the cories sharing floor space, you really are limited on the number you should get. A single ram will live happily in a tank as yours. Should you get multiples, I find pairs are beneficial as the third one would just be left out and may get picked one.

Second, breeding these guys requires a pH at around 6.8, I believe. So if you want to breed them, you'll have to do work. When breeding, you'll have to contend with some real aggression as these guys are exceptional parents. You will need enough caves for each one of your rams, plus one. If you get one ram, is get two caves. If you get two rams, get three caves... It is pretty important for you to get caves. They feel really vulnerable otherwise and you don't want them challenging your sweet corydoras for the only cave structure.

Also, I would probably get more corydoras instead of the rams. Noticed you only have five and they like larger groups. What substrate have you got?
I don't see a problem for a pair in that size tank, however for them to pair up and breed as mentioned above requires soft acidic water. They tend to not live as long in harder more alkali water. Also unlike similar cichlids the Bolivian rams are actually depression spawners, the male will clean an area often around a smooth pebble or stone ready for the eggs to be layed onto which he then guards. Aquarium
Maintenance has to be in top order for them to spawn.

It is interesting to watch their behaviour when in groups of 5+ as then you see the makes lip-lock and fight for the females and whence paired up go off in search of a suitable place to spawn. Obviously this would require a large aquarium.

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