Boesemani Rainbow Question


Fish Fanatic
Dec 23, 2014
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I recently got a pair of Boesemanis and am planning on getting 4 more rainbows but why are their colors so dull... I don't even see the pretty blues or orange tints. I feed them flake food and bloodworms, I've been thinking of feeding my fish vegetables but have no clue which vegetables to feed them and how to properly prepare the food. I have  only had these guys for a week or so, they're still pretty small (2"). My water is soft with a pH of 7.8, my tank is 36g fully cycled, with many plants.  IMG_0492.JPGIMG_0495.JPG
It's probably because you've not had them long and they should color up better within the next few weeks. However, you should be aware that 60 gallons is preferred for this species as they get fairly large and need a decent sized group.
I will have a few other coments, but first I agree with Atticus.  This species is a shoaling fish that should be in larger groups than six, but with males at 4.3 inches and females 3.2 inches, and being very active swimmers, this means a 4-foot tank.
To other colour issues.  Males will be brighter coloured the more there are.  Also, the fish offered for sale are likely juveniles, and it takes roughly one year for them to really colour up.  They have a lifespan around four years.
Another issue is that this species does not do well in soft water.
With all this in mind, I would return the two Boeseman and consider one of the other rainbow species.  The dwarf neon rainbowfish would be well suited to your conditions, all of water parameters and tank size.  These are also better in larger groups, say 8-9, with two females per male.
I have to agree with Byron's assessment.
Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish would be a good choice, or even Threadfin Rainbowfish as their fin displays when flaring are really nice to observe.
Both these species are smaller in size, so you can get more of them for your 36 gal tank and make more of a shoaling size which will help to bring out more of their natural behaviour and colours.
Dwarf neon -
Threadfin Rainbowfish -
There are many more species of Rainbowfish of course, these are just two examples of what are available from a lot of LFS. They are a popular fish to keep, I am a fan of Rainbowfish myself and immensely enjoyed watching these guys in my tanks when I had them :)
Ch4rlie said:
I have to agree with Byron's assessment.
Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish would be a good choice, or even Threadfin Rainbowfish as their fin displays when flaring are really nice to observe.
Both these species are smaller in size, so you can get more of them for your 36 gal tank and make more of a shoaling size which will help to bring out more of their natural behaviour and colours.
Dwarf neon -
Threadfin Rainbowfish -
There are many more species of Rainbowfish of course, these are just two examples of what are available from a lot of LFS. They are a popular fish to keep, I am a fan of Rainbowfish myself and immensely enjoyed watching these guys in my tanks when I had them
Thank you I'll definitely look into some more species, I really like the Threadfin you should me it looks really pretty! 

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