Bluegreen Is Back


Fish Addict
Jul 10, 2007
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Everything I thought was stable, lights, E.I. dosing, pressurised co2, got home and there is the first sign of blue green algae on many of the plants, monosolenium tennerum plagnomiana and java moss esspecialy, now I know its caused by lack of co2 so do I just up the dose and run a black out or is there a better way? can I get away without doing a black out?
the tank receives indirect sunlight because its below a skylight window, should I put up a blind or move the tank, will this help?
just seems like yet another set back :crazy:
BGA is not CO2 related if I recall, BBA is, but BGA is usually too much light and/or poor current and water flow in the affected areas. I've luckily never had it move beyond the substrate in my tanks and have finally got rid of it in one tank by using an old credit card to push it down the front of the glass as far into the substrate as possible and moving decor/plants around abit to improve water flow and restrict light to the worse affected areas. I think the best way suggested to kill off BGA from tanks is a 3-day complete blackout?
id ascribe to the too much light theory since my tank receives sunlight which would give it a chance to arise. The dirty tank theory however seems to me to be rubbish since my filters clean and water flow is good.
I really don't want to have to run a black out though it would mean resetting everything up and removing my co2.
what would be the best way of avoiding a further outbreak if I do go ahead with a black out?
Not aware of BGA being specific to dirty filters/tank.

It also seems to dislike high nitrAte levels - possibly the move to EI dosing for me has reduced it and stopped it coming back too. It seems this and the improved water flow/lower light to the affected areas due to planting new plants in these areas etc has been the best method of doing it. Pushing it beneath the substrate each week for a few weeks also seemed to knock it really back too.

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